Friday, November 22, 2013

Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig "Oxford New English File - Elementary Workbook "
Oxford University Press (2006) | PDF

New English File, as its name suggests, is the new and improved version of English File. Unlike the original English File, which came in four levels (Beginner, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate and Upper-Intermediate), the new version is a revision of the first two levels (Beginner and Pre-Intermediate).

Unlike the original English File 1, which is divided into 10 files or units, the new version has 9 files for both levels. Also unlike the previous version, where you would encounter several sections on each file from A to (sometimes) H, the files in the new edition only have four sections: A, B, C and D.

Click here to download


  1. Great to find this workbook, but can I get a password for it?

    1. Upload here:
      and this website give back the unlocked pdf document

  2. hello I need the New English File beginner, pre-intermediate and intermediate Workbook. Where I can find, please help me thanks.
